About us

We are a group of scientists and engineers working at the intersection between robotics, control theory, machine learning, and game theory to design high performance, interactive autonomous systems. Our lab is based in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and is affiliated with Texas Robotics, the Center for Autonomy, and the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences.


Some of our lab’s core research interests are:


Our lab aims to make a positive impact beyond research. We participate in a broad program of academic outreach organized through the Center for Autonomy, run hands-on events for local high school students, and mentor interested high school and undergraduate students.

Lab members

Our group started in August 2021. Visit our people page for profiles of lab members.


Visit the Q&A page to learn more about what research is like in our lab.

Prospective students

If you are a prospective graduate student, please feel free to reach out to David by email to express your interest. In your note, please identify one recent publication from the lab that you find interesting, and explain the technical nugget you found most exciting. Please also mention your favorite math class and the most exciting topic you learned in that class.

Our lab also supports highly motivated undergraduate researchers. If you are an undergraduate student and would like to get involved, please understand that the vast majority of work we do is mathematically-oriented. To see if you might be a good fit, please do the following: (i) read the first two chapters of this textbook, and if you find the concepts exciting then (ii) email David to set up a time to chat about how you might get involved in the lab. At the meeting, be ready to explain key technical ideas you learned from your reading.